Individual and Business Returns:
A small business us tax return is not needed if you are operating as a sole proprietorship. Income can simply be reported as self-employment income on a Schedule C as part of your individual Federal Tax Return. Self-employment income reporting is part of our standard Federal US Tax Return Package at no additional cost.
Included in our Federal Package:
All standard expat forms: Forms 1040, 1040 NR 1116, 2555
All standard schedules: Schedules A, B, C (profit and loss from self-employed business), D, and E (one rental property),up to three Schedule K-1s, and up to 20 bank and brokerage transactions.
USIndiaTax always offers:
- Expertise. You work directly with a experienced CPA or IRS Enrolled Agent on your Federal Tax Return. Our entire team
specializes in expat tax preparation
- Experience. We have over 900 clients, so we are very familiar with US expat taxes for both US and India.
- Security. Your data will always be secure — we use 256-bit encrypted security, which is the same as most banks use.
- Seamless Tax Prep. We make it easy to work with us. We share documents online, communicate via email/Skype/phone
and don't expect you to do all the financial calculations — that's our job!
- Support. Tax assistance, advice and services are available to you year-round, not just at tax time.
- Sincerity. Our customers love working with us because we're easy to work with and explain taxes to you in everyday
language, not in tax speak!
A small business tax return is needed for any business that is considered a separate entity (such as a Partnership, Corporation, S Corporation or Limited Liability Company (LLC).
Our Business Tax Return Package includes All relevant forms, including (but not limited to): Forms 1065, 1120 and 1120-S.
USIndiaTax always offers:
- Accuracy. Your expert accountant is highly experienced in filing all the necessary business forms and will take the
workload off your shoulders.
- Expertise. Our accountants are all CPAs or IRS Enrolled Agents who work 100% with expats.
- Security. We understand how important your personal data is so we use the highest level of data encryption (same as
most banks use) to protect your information.
- Simplified tax prep. Our goal is to make the filing process as easy as possible and your accountant works one-on-one with
you throughout the process to ensure your complete satisfaction.